In Lent we journey with Jesus on the difficult and thorny road that leads all the way to the cross on Good Friday – and beyond, to the transformation of Easter Day.
God invites us to bring to him our own journey through everyday life. In the disappointment of daily setbacks and the pain of deeper hurts, we discover that God is present with us. And God promises a future where all things are healed and made new.
Living Hope offers us the opportunity to deepen our hope in God and be part of what God is doing to bring hope in the world. The readings and reflections explore how we can have hope in times of frustration or uncertainty; the hope found in joining with others; the invitation to notice signs of hope around us; the courage to face reality and pursue a hopeful future; and the ways God transforms death into life at Easter.
You can also receive daily messages straight to your inbox. The daily emails will offer Bible readings, short reflections and a practical challenge, as well as prayers linked to weekly themes. This will start on Ash Wednesday. Please do join us for this series. You may drop into it on any Sunday.
March 9: What is hope? – Exploring what hope means in the context of the Christian faith.
March 16: Imperfect – Exploring how we hold on to hope in lives that are messy and a world that is imperfect.
March 23: Together – Exploring the ways joining with others allows us to find hope ourselves and offer hope to those who need it.
March 30: Trusting – Exploring what it means to trust in the hope God promises, even when we feel uncertain about the future.
Alril 6: Noticing – Exploring how we can deepen our hope by noticing signs of what God is doing.
April13: Courage – Exploring how being rooted in hope can give us courage to face difficulties and seek change.
April 20 – Holy Week: Transformed – Exploring how God can transform even the most broken situations.
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