The Rev. Patrick Blaney
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My Best Memory of St. John's
As we celebrate the 125th anniversary of our parish, we know that each of you has special memories of your time at St. John's Anglican Church. Maybe you were a child here and remember Sunday School. Maybe you just started attending St. John's, and you were warmly welcomed by someone here. Old or new, we would like to collect those memories and celebrate them at our big anniversary service on November 3rd, 2024.
Please take a few minutes to write your best memory on a cardboard cut-out leaf or pumpkin. We will be collecting these for the next few weeks at the Welcome Table after each service. Then on November 3rd, all the memories will be shared around the altar, in an offering of thanksgiving for 125 years of fellowship and faith.
Don't worry if you attend online, you can take part too! Simply email your best memory to the church office, We will write it down and hand it in for you.