The Rev. Patrick Blaney
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I, and in conversation with others, believe it is time and are happy to announce that the Passing of the Plate will once again be a part of our worship services.  I am also announcing that we will be passing the plate in a different kind of way.  Two plates will be placed in front of the first two central pews.  Someone close to the each plate will start the passing around and the plate will make its way to the back.  Once at the back the plates should be placed on the table by the door.  From there the plates will be processed up to the altar at the appropriate time.

We don't have sides-people anymore to organize the passing of the plate, so we will rely upon everyone helping to make this work well.

I love the symbolism of everyone touching the plate.  For me it means everyone is participating and sharing in the wonderful gifts of life, and the work of the Church for the Glory of God.

I am also very glad to announce we will now have a card to put in the plate for those who give automatically through electronic transfer.  There will be cards in the Narthex that these givers can pick up and put in the plate as it is passed around.   Those cards would be recycled back to the Narthex for next week's service.  As I say, I love the symbolism of everyone participating and this will allow electronic transfer givers this opportunity.

If you have any questions or concerns, please do get in touch with me and let me know.  I look forward to seeing the plate make its way around the Church once again. 

The Rev. Patrick Blaney